Michael Dennis Burke – AK: Doc, We call him a bunch of other things, but I can write them down here
Bass Guitar, Vocals and what ever else he can get away with
It’s hard for me to call him Mike so from this point on it’s Doc!
Doc is the renasounce man! He’s an artist, he’s a racer or cars and motor cycles, he’s a mechanic, he’s a builder, he’s a doctor of medicine, but about all he is a lover of music and a great bass player. Well let me drop back ten and punt. The band’s favorite line to Doc is “Stay in the Pocket” to which he simply replies, “I was just adding the 3rd, 5th, 7th or 9th and I thought it would fit when I resolve back to the root. What the hell is he talking about? We’re a three piece band!!!! I guess one of the biggest gut busters we’ve had in the band was when Doc was tuning and asked for a concert A. I had to ask is that the same as an A Major. Doc is a singer of singers when it comes to harmony! It doesn’t matter what the style or song or key, Doc can sing something that fits the mood.
Doc started playing music at the age of 14 and has never looked back. When we asked him what brought him to start playing he said, “For the love of the music”.
Doc says his three main influences for his playing style are John Entwistel, Stanley Clark and Victor Wooten. My God Doc, no wonder you don’t stay in the pocket!! Those guys are the best of the best bass players.
Doc says his main accomplishments that he has enjoyed through playing music are: playing church Revivals, several big outdoor concerts and the David Michael Band.
When asked where his music is going he said, “The David Michael Band has a ton of potential because of the originals of David Morse and the creative playing of all the members of the band. I think we can go far if we get noticed and the right backing.
Doc says that music is his life away from family which is the most important, but it gives meaning to a lot of other things he does.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
David Michael Hart

David Michael Hart – AK: The Hardest Working Man In Show Business
Percussion, Vocals and Knuckles on Dave Morse’s Head
We call Dave Mr. Homophobe because when you try to hug him he simply says, “What you talking about Willis”? Well that’s just with the guys because he fancies himself as quit the ladies man. Quiten down all you young ladies, he’s quite the ladies man with his one true love. Dave, despite putting up this hard front is a very loving family, give the shirt off his back to help kind of man. Dave can beat the skins with the best of them and what sets him apart from a lot of beaters is his ability to hit the beat even if he as never heard the song before. Hey for all of you that don’t know, that means he stays in the pocket. We lovingly call him Mr. Quick Study. Dave likes to bring twice as many drums to a gig than he needs, for show, but he tells us that the rest can be used to hold his drinks. Good idea Dave!
Dave started playing as a teen ager because he didn’t need to read music, but when we really ask him why he started playing drums, guess what, “To impress the girls”.
Dave says his two main influences for his playing style are Charlie Watts from the Rolling Stones and Keith Moon for the Who. If you ask me I think he is influenced by a lot of other things, but it isn’t other drummers.
His main accomplishments that he has enjoyed through playing music are: Not getting yelled at by the band every week, not going down the tubes. .
When asked where his music was going he simply said, “Ask Dave, he’s the song writer”.
Dave says that music is a Hobby and that it Satisfying his creative urges
Percussion, Vocals and Knuckles on Dave Morse’s Head
We call Dave Mr. Homophobe because when you try to hug him he simply says, “What you talking about Willis”? Well that’s just with the guys because he fancies himself as quit the ladies man. Quiten down all you young ladies, he’s quite the ladies man with his one true love. Dave, despite putting up this hard front is a very loving family, give the shirt off his back to help kind of man. Dave can beat the skins with the best of them and what sets him apart from a lot of beaters is his ability to hit the beat even if he as never heard the song before. Hey for all of you that don’t know, that means he stays in the pocket. We lovingly call him Mr. Quick Study. Dave likes to bring twice as many drums to a gig than he needs, for show, but he tells us that the rest can be used to hold his drinks. Good idea Dave!
Dave started playing as a teen ager because he didn’t need to read music, but when we really ask him why he started playing drums, guess what, “To impress the girls”.
Dave says his two main influences for his playing style are Charlie Watts from the Rolling Stones and Keith Moon for the Who. If you ask me I think he is influenced by a lot of other things, but it isn’t other drummers.
His main accomplishments that he has enjoyed through playing music are: Not getting yelled at by the band every week, not going down the tubes. .
When asked where his music was going he simply said, “Ask Dave, he’s the song writer”.
Dave says that music is a Hobby and that it Satisfying his creative urges
Steve Mayo

Steve Mayo – AK: Mr. Three Chord, The Three Chord Wonder, Bob Steve Mayo Dylan
Guitar, Vocals and Song Writer
Steve couldn’t help but be a musician seeing how is Grandpa Ed Mayo was the house fiddle player for the Grand Old Opera, his Dad played all over central Florida and it was rumored that Clyde left a guitar in all the bars he frequented, just in case they ask him to play. Steve’s sister and her husband still own the family bar (The Fox Head) in central Florida and have been playing music for over 30 years. Steve’s motto is, “there’s not a song written yesterday or today, that can’t be played with G, C and D chords”. We often look at Steve and call him the runt of the music litter, even though he is the oldest.
Steve started playing guitar and singing at age 18 when he started college. When we asked him why he started then, he simply said “To catch Women”.
Steve says his three main influences for his playing style are Bob Dylan, John Denver and Jimmy Buffett. We all suspect that he might have a lot of other influences, but that is a whole different story.
His main accomplishments that he has enjoyed through playing music are: meeting lots of women met a lot of different people over his life and being on stage with Janis Joplin in 1969 just shortly before she died, was on stage with Mary Wilson from the Supremes.
When asked where his music was going he simply said “South”
Steve says that music is a Hobby that he can enjoy by himself or with others. It’s something that he doesn’t need anybody’s approval and he can experience “Total Escape” through his playing
Guitar, Vocals and Song Writer
Steve couldn’t help but be a musician seeing how is Grandpa Ed Mayo was the house fiddle player for the Grand Old Opera, his Dad played all over central Florida and it was rumored that Clyde left a guitar in all the bars he frequented, just in case they ask him to play. Steve’s sister and her husband still own the family bar (The Fox Head) in central Florida and have been playing music for over 30 years. Steve’s motto is, “there’s not a song written yesterday or today, that can’t be played with G, C and D chords”. We often look at Steve and call him the runt of the music litter, even though he is the oldest.
Steve started playing guitar and singing at age 18 when he started college. When we asked him why he started then, he simply said “To catch Women”.
Steve says his three main influences for his playing style are Bob Dylan, John Denver and Jimmy Buffett. We all suspect that he might have a lot of other influences, but that is a whole different story.
His main accomplishments that he has enjoyed through playing music are: meeting lots of women met a lot of different people over his life and being on stage with Janis Joplin in 1969 just shortly before she died, was on stage with Mary Wilson from the Supremes.
When asked where his music was going he simply said “South”
Steve says that music is a Hobby that he can enjoy by himself or with others. It’s something that he doesn’t need anybody’s approval and he can experience “Total Escape” through his playing
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